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Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs, free apk download

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Angry Birds practically gave birth to smartphone gaming as we know it today,
so much so that at least one chapter of the historic Rovio Mobile franchise certainly populated most of the mobile phones
in the world at that time. This is because its simple concept,
combined with a very pleasant cartoon aesthetic, managed to break through the hearts of users
who had never seen a video game even with binoculars, magically transforming parents,
children and the elderly into full-fledged players. After the boom of the first years, a long series of sequels,
a television series and even a film that - to the eye - seems unwatchable,
the Angry Birds Mania seemed to have ended up in oblivion. And here, surprisingly,
the skilled developers of Resolution Games come into play, who with their Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
try to revive the franchise, with a title designed exclusively for our home helmets.
Angry Birds VR, Meta Quest 2
For those who grew up in the company of Mowgli, the Agry Birds concept envisaged that, through a small slingshot,
we would hurl a series of birds at a small pile of green pigs, inside some sunny tropical islands.
It seems crazy, but the idea is still extremely effective today, also because the goal was not simple clay pigeon shooting,
but the destruction of elements of the scenario that - thanks to the domino effect - brought with them
the various enemies scattered around the areas. The gameplay bases of Angry Birds VR
do not differ one iota from those of mobile titles,
with the difference that the use of the slingshot will take place through the movement of our real hands.
Angry Birds VR, Meta Quest 2
Once we have reached one of the many levels that make up the adventure, we will therefore have to plan,
and finally execute, our massacre, trying to exploit all the weak points of the structures to waste as little ammunition as possible.
In fact, although we will always have three possibilities available,
the game will tend to reward us with more points and stars based on both the number of shots fired and
how many elements of the scenario we have destroyed.
Continuing with the adventure, more and more types of birds will be made available,
from explosive to super fast ones; by layering a gameplay that is simple in appearance,
but deep in the small subtleties that characterize high-level players.
Trying to get the most of the stars in each level will be a really difficult task,
so much so that you will hardly be able to complete Angry Birds VR one hundred percent.
The latter is clearly a considered choice, since the Resolution title's approach is specifically designed
for a handful of hit and run games, which obviously lend themselves more to use on Oculus Quest.
Angry Birds VR, Meta Quest 2

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DOWNLOAD Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

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If you like the game, please help the developer and buy the original.